Skill Profile Documents are a collection of documents that can be automatically generated by an administrator that offer insights into a person's skills and how those skills fit within the labour market.
Types of Skill Profile Documents
There are three types of skill profile documents that you can generate from the administrator portal:
1. CV / Resume
A CV or a resume contains a summary of a user's past experiences and the top skills they learned and used at each experience. It also contains other basic information about the user, such as their name, contact details, and language proficiency.
2. Career Match Overview
A Career Match Overview shows a list of the top careers to which a user's skill set matches. Careers that the user has added as career interest are listed on the top, followed by occupations from various career fields ranked by how well they match the user's skill set.
3. Skill Match
The Skill Match document provides a highly detailed breakdown of skills related to a specific career that a user has and how strong they are. The document also presents a list of skills and knowledge that the user has not added but is relevant to the career, which indicates learning opportunities for the user. An administrator can generate a skill match document for any career in the system.
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