When you do not have specific experience focusing on language skills, you might overlook this valuable skill when adding skills to your experience. However, even if you do not work or study language specifically, adding languages that you know or use in your experience to your skill profile is encouraged.
Follow these steps to add languages to your skill profile:
1. On your homepage, click See your skills.
2. Click Languages.
3. Click Add languages.
4. Scroll down to find the languages you speak. You can also use the search bar to find a specific language. Click the on the left side of the language you choose.
5. When you have chosen all the languages you know, click Add, then click Next.
6. SkillLab will ask you to indicate how well do you know the language between a beginner and a native speaker.
7. When the language is not your native speaker, SkillLab will ask you to indicate whether your language knowledge has been formally assessed. It means that you have a certificate to prove your knowledge of that language.
If you selected Yes, you can also add the result of your assessment if known. You can choose between the level based on Common European Framework Reference for Language (CEFR) or other type of certification.
8. After completing this process, click Add language to save it to your profile.
9. Congratulations, now you have added languages you know to your skill profile.
See how you do the steps here:
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